Can You Hear Me Now?
We have two ears and one mouth.
One might assume that means we are designed to do more listening than we do talking, but many of us find ourselves doing the opposite.
One might assume that means we are designed to do more listening than we do talking, but many of us find ourselves doing the opposite.
Some of us try to be good listeners by hanging on to every word a speaker says (maybe even memorizing what's been said) only to have the speaker communicate that they don't feel like they've been heard.
"Why aren't you listening to me?"
For the purpose of this post I will be focusing on the concept of listening better to people that you share important relationships with.
First let's identify the goal of listening.
Why do we do it? What is it that we hope to accomplish?
Why do we do it? What is it that we hope to accomplish?
An effective listener improves relationships by giving their speaker a safe emotional space where they feel understood and accepted.
Effective listening will help us understand a speaker's message and accept the speaker as they are, without judgement.
To get an idea of which relationships could benefit the most from better listening, complete the following:
First, list the name of everyone that you share an important relationship with.
Next, identify emotionally how you and each person on your list feels about the idea of communicating with each other.
If you and the person you share a relationship with don't both feel good about the idea of communicating together, the relationship will likely benefit from improved listening skills.
But how do we become better listeners?
Effective listening will help us understand a speaker's message and accept the speaker as they are, without judgement.
To get an idea of which relationships could benefit the most from better listening, complete the following:
First, list the name of everyone that you share an important relationship with.
Next, identify emotionally how you and each person on your list feels about the idea of communicating with each other.
If you and the person you share a relationship with don't both feel good about the idea of communicating together, the relationship will likely benefit from improved listening skills.
But how do we become better listeners?
Listed below are six levels of listening.
Examine your behavior to see which level you see yourself spending most of your listening time.
Of the six levels, only one of them works actively to improve relationships. So, if you want to be a better listener for the purpose of improving your relationships, read on.
Examine your behavior to see which level you see yourself spending most of your listening time.
Of the six levels, only one of them works actively to improve relationships. So, if you want to be a better listener for the purpose of improving your relationships, read on.
1. Ignoring
People that spend their time here are not very user-friendly. "Ignorers" actively block out what's being said by the speaker. There is an active resistance to receiving feedback and any massages from the speaker. The speaker's feelings are of little concern here and there is often a desire to communicate to the speaker that their message is being rejected.
This damages relationship connection.
This damages relationship connection.
2. Pretending
People that spend their time here sometimes convince themselves that the speaker's feelings have value, when in reality "Pretenders" are concerned more about their own comfort. For one reason or another, "Pretenders" are unwilling to communicate to the speaker that they are uninterested in the speaker's message. The goal of pretending is to deceive the speaker into believing that they're being heard.
This does nothing to manage or improve true relationship connection.
If this behavior is recognized by the speaker, it damages relationship connection.
3. Waiting
People that spend their time here often know what they are going to say before a speaker has finished speaking. "Waiters" sometimes believe they are listening, but they can't actively listen if they are formulating a response while the speaker's words are being shared.This type of behavior will often lead to repeat arguments and "here we go again" responses.
This does nothing to manage or improve true relationship connection.
This does nothing to manage or improve true relationship connection.
If this behavior is recognized by the speaker, it damages relationship connection.
3. Waiting
People that spend their time here often know what they are going to say before a speaker has finished speaking. "Waiters" sometimes believe they are listening, but they can't actively listen if they are formulating a response while the speaker's words are being shared.This type of behavior will often lead to repeat arguments and "here we go again" responses.
This does nothing to manage or improve true relationship connection.
4. Selecting
People that spend their time here will often start out either ignoring or pretending to listen to the speaker. Then a "Selector" will hone in on a word or small section of a speaker's message that has captured their (often times, negative) interest. This behavior generally sends a message to the speaker that the rest of their message is considered unimportant to the listener.
This does nothing to manage or improve true relationship connection. If a speaker feels unable to receive attention concerning important topics, it damages relationship connection.
This does nothing to manage or improve true relationship connection. If a speaker feels unable to receive attention concerning important topics, it damages relationship connection.
5. Attending
People that spend their time here usually mean well. Attention is usually given by the "Attender" to the speaker and their words. "Attenders" may even express a sincere desire to listen and understand the speaker's message. The problem however is that "Attenders" often miss that message.
"Attenders" will often process the speaker's message through their own psychological and emotional filters, trying to arrive at the same place as the speaker. This leads to a lot of misinterpreted messages, which in turn leads to a lot of frustration.
In an attempt to improve connection, the connection can sometimes be made worse if either the speaker or listener loses hope about the idea of communicating in the future of the relationship.
"Attenders" will often process the speaker's message through their own psychological and emotional filters, trying to arrive at the same place as the speaker. This leads to a lot of misinterpreted messages, which in turn leads to a lot of frustration.
In an attempt to improve connection, the connection can sometimes be made worse if either the speaker or listener loses hope about the idea of communicating in the future of the relationship.
6. Empathizing
People that spend their time here have a skill that naturally improves relationships. Empathetic listening requires active participation with the speaker. Empathetic listening separates the understanding of the message FROM the understanding of the speaker's emotional perspective. "Empathizers" usually have an intellectual understanding of the speaker's message, but it isn't always necessary. More importantly, "Empathizers" have an ability to promote the speaker's emotional perspective and well-being to the main focus of the communication. An "Empathizer" not only understands the speaker's emotional connection to their message but communicates that understanding in a compassionate way. This compassion creates a space for the speaker where they are able to feel emotionally safe, mentally understood and accepted as a person without judgement. If a person and your relationship with them is important, then that person's emotional status and well-being should be important as well. This importance is clearly communicated when a listener can understand, is willing to identify AND also accepts the speakers emotional state. There is a lack of resistance from the listener and there is an ongoing comfort for the speaker in continuing the communication.
The speaker feels heard.
This type of listening builds stronger relationship connections.
Ask yourself, how often do you communicate to your loved ones that you understand AND accept how they feel when they communicate with you?
Practice more empathetic listening. Your improved relationships will be all the thanks you need.
People that spend their time here have a skill that naturally improves relationships. Empathetic listening requires active participation with the speaker. Empathetic listening separates the understanding of the message FROM the understanding of the speaker's emotional perspective. "Empathizers" usually have an intellectual understanding of the speaker's message, but it isn't always necessary. More importantly, "Empathizers" have an ability to promote the speaker's emotional perspective and well-being to the main focus of the communication. An "Empathizer" not only understands the speaker's emotional connection to their message but communicates that understanding in a compassionate way. This compassion creates a space for the speaker where they are able to feel emotionally safe, mentally understood and accepted as a person without judgement. If a person and your relationship with them is important, then that person's emotional status and well-being should be important as well. This importance is clearly communicated when a listener can understand, is willing to identify AND also accepts the speakers emotional state. There is a lack of resistance from the listener and there is an ongoing comfort for the speaker in continuing the communication.
The speaker feels heard.
This type of listening builds stronger relationship connections.
Ask yourself, how often do you communicate to your loved ones that you understand AND accept how they feel when they communicate with you?
Practice more empathetic listening. Your improved relationships will be all the thanks you need.